أنظمة المراكز والاعتمادات

تتشرف مستشفى الأمل للطب النفسى وعلاج الإدمان، بالتعاون مع الاتحاد الفدرالى العالمى فى إنجلترا – المملكة المتحدة بعمل معايير الجودة، ونظم المعلومات، وأيضًا تصميم نظم المراكز، والمستشفيات، والعيادات المتخصصة فى مجال الطب النفسى وعلاج الإدمان باستخدام الموقع:



Quality Improvement

 logo2Quality Improvement and Accreditation Programme


What is QIAP

IFRAT aims to provide the best learning and professional development experience to all our Inceptors and Therapists, as well as maintain a high quality of treatment services provided by our Recovered Addiction Therapists to their patients.

To achieve these objectives, our Quality Control and Accreditation Department runs a Quality Improvement and Accreditation Programme (QIAP) to make sure that all our National Representative Offices meet our standards in term of:

• Training and Education provided to our Therapists, Inceptors and Affiliates.

• Health and Safety within the premises used to train our Therapists, Inceptors and Affiliates, and receive patients suffering from Addiction

In sum, QIAP is the tool used by our Quality Control and Accreditation Department to regulate and maintain high standards in these two crucial aspects of our activity. Complying with the standards set by QIAP is a prerequisite that must be met by any institution that applies to join our Network.


How to become a National Representative Office:

The strength of our Action is our Network. IFRAT is a global project which aims to provide high quality of addiction treatment services all over the world. This is the reason why we always seeks for developing new Representative Office Overseas.

Any Addiction Treatment Centre, Rehab Centre, or residential clinic specialized in the Addiction field and associated fields can be accredited to represent the IFRAT Network in its local area.

If you represent any kind of institution as mentioned above, you can contact our Quality Control and Accreditation Department to get further information and/or to submit your application to become an IFRAT Representative Office Overseas.


Accreditation Standards:


QIAP is designed to make sure that the same standards are met by each of our Representative Office Overseas. To receive the IFRAT accreditation from our Quality Control and Accreditation Department, any Representative Office Overseas must meet the QIAP prerequisites in terms of:

  • Education and Training provided to our Therapists, Inceptors and Affiliates: the QIAP prerequisites in terms of Education and Training consist of making sure that all our Recovered Addiction Therapists have acquired the necessary skills to practice and provide the best services to their patients. This includes an important cooperation work with the Education and Training Department, our International divisions and the Presidents of each Representative Offices Overseas, to organize a permanent performance assessment of Trainers and Lecturers accredited to deliver our educational activities all over the world.
  • Health and Safety within the IFRAT premises (i.e. the premises used to train our Therapists, Inceptors, and receive patients suffering from Addiction).

QIAP prerequisites in terms of Health & Safety within the IFRAT premises includes to maintain quality standards for retaliation premises and detox centres by accrediting the Office and each Representative Office Overseas delivering these services from three perspectives:

  • Accreditation for Quality control and level of care: To make sure that treatment premises especially those used by Recovered Addiction Therapists meet the required standards for care, quality and governance.
  • Accreditation for Training placement: To make sure that the premises are suitable for training and placement of the Inceptors and Recovered Addiction Therapists.
  • Accreditation for Research: To make sure that the premises are suitable for conducting research.


Initial visits and controls:

The decision of accrediting a new IFRAT Representative Office Overseas belongs to the Quality Control and Accreditation Department, which will assess your application and ask you to provide a clear description of your institution, any form of recommendation from partners or peer organisations, as well as a description of your operational capacity to become an IFRAT Representative Office. Then, you will be asked to arrange an initial visit of your organisation, to enable IFRAT officials to visit your premises and report it to our Board.

If your application is accepted, you will receive your IFRAT Accreditation which means that you will have to comply with our QIAP standards. Then, you will accept to be inspected every three years by our Quality Control and Accreditation Department to make sure that quality of services delivered is maintained or improved according to our QIAP.

Please note that our QIAP can be amended from time to time for the sake of the IFRAT quality improvement policy decribed in our by-laws. Each amendment will be notified to all our Representative Offices Overseas by our Quality Control and Accreditation Department.



The IFRAT quality improvement policy cannot be effective without the full consent and cooperation of each Representative Office Overseas with Our Quality Control and Accreditation Department. The President, staff members, Members and Subscribers of each Representative Office are best-placed to make sure that their day-to-day activity meets our QIAP standards.

This is the reason why we consider self-Assessment as an important part of our quality improvement policy. Self-Assessment within any Representative Office must be operated at several level:

• From National Representative Office’s Meetings: As part of our QIAP standards, each Representative Office must publish a yearly report signed by the elected President. This report will include your health and safety policy statement as well as the performance assessment of Trainers and Lecturers accredited to facilitate IFRAT educational activities within your premises.

• From each Member’s appreciation: Each IFRAT Member or Subscriber has the responsibility to acknowledge our QIAP and make sure that our quality standards are met in his or her Representative Office. It is your responsibility to report to the Quality Control and Accreditation Department any infringement of the Health and Safety policy in the premises you use as part of your IFRAT activities, or emit any complaint about the conditions or content of the courses facilitated by our accredited Trainers and Lecturers. In this case, the Quality Control and Accreditation Department may organise an unannounced inspection in that Representative Office Overseas.

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